Make your own lava lamp

Making your own lava lamp is a fun and effective experiment which kids love.
It is simple to do, you don't need too many ingredients, and the results are very instant and easy to see. This experiment is great from preschool to secondary school. When they are little they can just enjoy doing the experiment and as they get older they can learn what is going on and why.

What you need:
*An empty bottle, just a small one will do or a glass.

*vegetable oil
*food colouring
*alka seltzer tablet

What you need to do:

1. Fill 1/4 of the bottle or cup with water.
2. Add a few drops of food colouring to the get colour, (although this is not necessary if you want to add it)

3. Add 1/4 cup of vegetable oil (which will float on the water)
4. Now for the fun part, drop the alka seltzer tablet into the bottle and watch the blobs go up and down.

Once you have finished the experiment you can pop the lid on the bottle to use another day. Just add another alka seltzer tablet when you want to watch it again.

Questions to explore:

Why does the oil stay on the top?
What makes the blobs?
Does adding other things make the same result?  Maybe try salt

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